If the earlier Mowgli players were small kids, learning their baby steps on a three foot fallen tree trunk, the Mowgli spotted on 27 December 2016, in the aftermath of Cyclone Vardah which disrupted Chennai life so badly and continues to have its bad impact on the internet life.
This time, the two elders trying to instruct the fully clothed, and not so young Mowgli, reminded me of two other characters from the Jungle Book – Bagheera and Baloo. No offence meant guys, but the situation was so juxtaposed, I could not resist taking a snap and posting it online.
Unfortunately, this real life Mowgli of Chennai was unable to dislodge the cut off and left over wrist thick branch which was wedged nice and proper. I deduce they had to use brute force to snap it and tear it down, as passing by later, saw the branch broken in two or three pieces.
So here is the photo of one more Mowgli in Chennai after Cyclone Vardah, along with Bagheera and Baloo – I leave it to you to pick who is the panther and who is the bear. The inset is from the movie Jungle Book 2016.

This time, the two elders trying to instruct the fully clothed, and not so young Mowgli, reminded me of two other characters from the Jungle Book – Bagheera and Baloo. No offence meant guys, but the situation was so juxtaposed, I could not resist taking a snap and posting it online.
Unfortunately, this real life Mowgli of Chennai was unable to dislodge the cut off and left over wrist thick branch which was wedged nice and proper. I deduce they had to use brute force to snap it and tear it down, as passing by later, saw the branch broken in two or three pieces.
So here is the photo of one more Mowgli in Chennai after Cyclone Vardah, along with Bagheera and Baloo – I leave it to you to pick who is the panther and who is the bear. The inset is from the movie Jungle Book 2016.
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