One thing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi excels at, and has become quite good in, is to put a positive spin on even his failures and miscalculations. When nothing happened on the Make in India campaign of Sep 2014, he deftly switched the focus to Startup India campaign in Jan 2016. Just yesterday, to ward off questions about his regime’s non-performance in every front, Narendra Modi shuffled-shifted Ten top level bureaucrats, and fancy named it Perform or Perish initiative.
Yesterday’s musical chair is not the first. AFAI can remember, there was a major reshuffle in Jun 2015, where 17 Secretary level officers ran to the tune. In the latest act, Department Heads of Agriculture, Telecom, Food Processing, Micro & Small Industries, Disabilities, Tribal Affairs, Commission for Scheduled Caste, are some of the few.
It would have been convenient and comforting if the people could believe that Narendra Modi is plugging the leaks, where his regime’s performance is poor. But the sad fact is the governance has taken a back seat and the Executive is failing on every front. This government cannot even proceed and bring to fruition a done & dusted deal like the Dassault Rafale. Nor can it make up its mind on whether to talk to Pakistan or not.
On the National Security front, one of the most cherished boast of the ruling BJP, they are acting like clowns let loose in a Roman Circus – do not know whether to run or drop dead, all the while with a painted cheery face.
Someone quipped recently that the people of India are one lucky lot. When the oil price hit the roof at $120 per barrel, there was Manmohan Singh government to manage it through. But with the incompetence of Modi and Jaitley, the oil prices are down to a very comfortable $40 per barrel. Just image what this regime would have unleashed if the oil had hovered about $100 per barrel.
And then he added, our PM seems to be good at only three things – Tweets, Selfies, and Slogans.
Which gave me the idea for this cartoon.
Lucky Luke – Shoots faster than his own Shadow; Narendra Modi – Tweets faster than his own Selfie.

Yesterday’s musical chair is not the first. AFAI can remember, there was a major reshuffle in Jun 2015, where 17 Secretary level officers ran to the tune. In the latest act, Department Heads of Agriculture, Telecom, Food Processing, Micro & Small Industries, Disabilities, Tribal Affairs, Commission for Scheduled Caste, are some of the few.
It would have been convenient and comforting if the people could believe that Narendra Modi is plugging the leaks, where his regime’s performance is poor. But the sad fact is the governance has taken a back seat and the Executive is failing on every front. This government cannot even proceed and bring to fruition a done & dusted deal like the Dassault Rafale. Nor can it make up its mind on whether to talk to Pakistan or not.
On the National Security front, one of the most cherished boast of the ruling BJP, they are acting like clowns let loose in a Roman Circus – do not know whether to run or drop dead, all the while with a painted cheery face.
Someone quipped recently that the people of India are one lucky lot. When the oil price hit the roof at $120 per barrel, there was Manmohan Singh government to manage it through. But with the incompetence of Modi and Jaitley, the oil prices are down to a very comfortable $40 per barrel. Just image what this regime would have unleashed if the oil had hovered about $100 per barrel.
And then he added, our PM seems to be good at only three things – Tweets, Selfies, and Slogans.
Which gave me the idea for this cartoon.
Lucky Luke – Shoots faster than his own Shadow; Narendra Modi – Tweets faster than his own Selfie.
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