After lots of (good) advice, and lot of scolding, today, I decided to transition the brand – webaddress – to MadrasNow. This is not a spur-of-the-moment decision, but one which I have been thinking about for past 6 months or so.
Unfortunately, it seems there are web versions of ‘scalpers’ – which we in India/TN would call ‘black-ticket-sellers’ who love to just park on such domains, and demand exorbitant sums of money – not just scalping. For e.g., the URL is one such. Registered in April 2015, right after I started thinking-searching about it, and absolutely no web presence.
But that is nothing when compared to monkeyshines. It was available for $10 in 2009, and now is demanding a premium of Rs. 20 lakhs (about $ 31,000). Just check out, if you do not believe me.
So today, when it became apparent that people are squeamish about brandishing the madmadrasi brand, it was time to transit. Thus, I selected And after the maxmadras experience, I had no desire to leave it out for another scalper from peerkankaranai or mangadu (pun intended) to squat and squish me.
BTW, this is how you outwit the buggers, with outside-the-box thinking. While they could squat on monkeyshines (the name of the blog), or on maxmadras (my nom-de-plume), which are obvious, I go off in a tangent to get MadrasNow. Google MadrasNow, all you will get is gibberish. Wait for a months and search then. ;-)
The transition is underway already. is already pointing to, though it is a temporary measure. A lot of work needs to be done before the transition is complete. While I do not want to bore you with the nitty-gritty of the transition, it involves redirecting all the individual links within the blog, readdressing the posts, and lots. This does not mean that is going out for good.
I expect to complete the transition by Pongal 2016, when would point to instead of otherwise, now.

Unfortunately, it seems there are web versions of ‘scalpers’ – which we in India/TN would call ‘black-ticket-sellers’ who love to just park on such domains, and demand exorbitant sums of money – not just scalping. For e.g., the URL is one such. Registered in April 2015, right after I started thinking-searching about it, and absolutely no web presence.
But that is nothing when compared to monkeyshines. It was available for $10 in 2009, and now is demanding a premium of Rs. 20 lakhs (about $ 31,000). Just check out, if you do not believe me.
So today, when it became apparent that people are squeamish about brandishing the madmadrasi brand, it was time to transit. Thus, I selected And after the maxmadras experience, I had no desire to leave it out for another scalper from peerkankaranai or mangadu (pun intended) to squat and squish me.
BTW, this is how you outwit the buggers, with outside-the-box thinking. While they could squat on monkeyshines (the name of the blog), or on maxmadras (my nom-de-plume), which are obvious, I go off in a tangent to get MadrasNow. Google MadrasNow, all you will get is gibberish. Wait for a months and search then. ;-)
The transition is underway already. is already pointing to, though it is a temporary measure. A lot of work needs to be done before the transition is complete. While I do not want to bore you with the nitty-gritty of the transition, it involves redirecting all the individual links within the blog, readdressing the posts, and lots. This does not mean that is going out for good.
I expect to complete the transition by Pongal 2016, when would point to instead of otherwise, now.
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