by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims

7th January 2015 will have to be remembered as the most barbaric attack on the Freedom of Expression.  Exactly six months ago, on 7th July 2014, the Supreme Court of India in a landmark judgement ruled that fatwas or diktats or any decision by any religious personality is not enforceable, as they do not have legal sanctity.

The killing at Charlie Hebdo offices yesterday only reinforce the wisdom of the Supreme Court.  The barbaric killing by the terrorists in Paris show us exactly why religion does not, and should not be, allowed to occupy the centre stage in a society – whether it is in education, work, governance or in any other endeavour.

People who kill in the name of religion (or under any other pretext) should have no place in the world.  OTOH we need more people who make fun and humour their way of life, people like the cartoonists Charb, Wolinski, Cabu, Tignous and Honore, who were martyred in the Charlie Hebdo attack.


(cover image courtesy Charlie Hebdo via BBC, cartoonists inset courtesy CNN)

To the cartoonists Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, Honore, and all the other victims of Charlie Hebdo attacks - Martyrs Pour La Liberte d’Expresssion! Puissent-ils reposer en paix.

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