by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

India’s 1st ‘Isidewith’ political quiz

As a political analyst, the current India General Elections 2014, must be the most exciting time to observe, analyze and learn lessons.  I’ve been waiting for all of these 2 months for a media house to come out with a political quiz, like (the ones I personally envy in the US/UK) the isidewith or other thoughtful insights on the issues.

Unfortunately, none have lived up to the expectations.  So, tomorrow I will put up a political quiz which would, might, perhaps, consolidate the various issues that, as a nation, we Indians, would face.

In putting up the political quiz, aping isidewith, I have endeavoured it to be 'the' neutral.  The questions I have come up with are broad ranging, but at the same time, specific - 2 different approaches which took so much of thinking - so they are comprehensive but yet to the point.

To make the quiz as neutral as possible, I have actually given the copies of the quiz to ADMK, DMK, Congress, BJP, Communist ‘sympathizers’, within ‘my’ reach, and all have termed the quiz as 'Fair' - without a slant towards any one.

As part of fairness, I wanted to design a quiz which was anonymous.  At first, and till today, I oriented towards a Google Forms quiz.  Then I realized that even that would entail an amount of tracking the ‘views’.

So today, finally, I decided that the best option is to release the isidewith type of India Elections 2014 quiz, is to put out in MS Word, PDF and possibly HTML formats, for you to download (or read online) and make up your minds.

The Quiz is comprehensive, and covers 10 headings from 'Freedom of Expression' to 'Environment' to 'Education', 'Economy' and the 'World'.  Each heading would have ~4 questions, and each question would have 4 multiple choice answers.

The 4 answers would tell you, the voter, where your thoughts lie - which button you probably could ‘press’ on voting day. 

The 4 answers, tallied, would tell you whether you have to vote
  • NOTA (a disgruntled voter) or 
  • for the BJP or 
  • for the Congress or 
  • for the Regional Party (of whichever state you belong to).
I regret I do not have the time or endurance to identify the exact regional (or even Communist) party you should vote for.  The error is mine, I should have started to work on it as soon I had the idea.


IceRocket Tags: isidewith,india-elections


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