by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Cats and a rat on hot Chennai roof

If the mornings till 7 O'clock are the time for a lie in, - read earlier post - the next hour and half is time to play.  Not the usual romping around, crashing into each other or playing catch with each other and mom’s tail, but a different kind of play.

Mommy cat had caught a mouse, killed it and brought it around for the kittens to play around with.  The youngest kitten, the black one on the far left of the photo, is too timid and never ventured near the mouse.

The spotted smoky gray soon lost interest and slunk off to slake its thirst with the drip from a leaky pipe.  The eldest of the lot, another jet black, was left to worry the dead rat to his heart's content.

Often the most playful, curious and ebullient the elder black is a pleasure to watch.  So says my mom, who over the past week has fallen into the habit of watching the cats romp around for half and hour or so every morning and evening.


As it happens, a frisky neighborhood boy, who watches too many nature shows in the National Geographic and Animal Planet, happened along in the afternoon.  Though he was considerate, and only stroked, or petted the mother cat and the bolder black kitten, there is not a doubt that the cats were disturbed.

This morning saw them hiding behind the plants in the backyard of my apartment complex.  Unwilling to disturb them further, I put off watering the plants for the day.  Let us see how the story unfolds over the next few days.

IceRocket Tags: cat,kitten

1 comment:

  1. Typical audacious views of the Hitler party, with jackboots ready to step on the constitutional rights do the citizens of India (ref: Constitution of India part XV, article 325).
    Elect Na(zi)Mo and his cohorts to experience modern day Nazism in India.


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