by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Cats on the hot Chennai roof

The day before, in the morning, my cockatiels were a little frisky.  It was about seven in the morning and all 4 of them were clinging on to the top few squares of the cage mesh.  They were intent about something on the neighboring terrace and doggedly protesting about it.

My interest piqued, I peeped over the balcony to find a stray with her 3 kittens, enjoying a late morning sleep-in.  The stepped terrace, no doubt, retained some of the moisture from the dew and was cool for a lie in.  The shadow of my apartment kept out the early morning sun - already scorching at 7 a.m.

Occasionally, the mother and kits lazily stretched a leg or two and twisted or turned a little, as cats always do, reminding me of some bizarre yogic posture.  Yoga it was for me too, silently watching them for five minutes or so, and the world seemed so peaceful.
O:- <

Filling up a second cup of coffee, I watched them enjoying the peace and quiet, while disregarding my cockatiels who were getting vociferous at the silent attention being paid to the furry little killers.


A few minutes later, the crows spotted them and in their jealousy cawed, flew close and threatened to peck them, ending their bliss.  Thereafter, it was back to the more mundane things of life.

IceRocket Tags: cats,caturday

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