by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

What a Murder of Crows were hunting?

Yesterday evening around six, I caught sight of a flock of crows - about 50 of them - having a good time off a nearby building.  Apart from all the cawing, they were all facing into the wind and busy taking their turns, like boys jumping off a diving board in a swimming pool.

Intrigued, I went to the terrace to try and see what the commotion was about, and captured this video.

As I said, they too turns heading into the wind, which was from North/North East, though not a stiff breeze, was quite gusty.  The Murder of Crows were trying to hover into the wind, and that when I understood they were hunting some insects blown by the wind.

Try as I might, I could not spot any of those insects which kept the crows enthralled for a quarter hour.  Perhaps like children, the crows were enjoying the welcome breeze and not actually hunting!

Here is the video:

So why is that a flock of crows are called a Murder of Crows?

Tags: crow

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