by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

PGN files of Anand-Carlsen World Chess Championship

In just a few minutes, the 3rd Round match between the current World Chess Champion Vishwanathan Anand and the Challenger Magnus Carlsen for the FIDE World Chess Championship 2013, would come alive.

The tournament site at has a live feed, but to download the games as PGN file (for later view) requires one to dish out dollars to a private party. <?scam time?>

As PGN files are nothing but text files with the chess (moves) notation, it seems very unfair to ask people to pay money for it.  More so as the FIDE World Chess Championship is sponsored by public money, through the Government of Tamil Nadu to the tune of Rs.40 Crores (~ $6.3mn).


Be as it may, there is no doubt that the trainers must have spent the rest day (yesterday) to fine tune or modify their respective champions’ opening games for the remaining 10 games in the FIDE World Chess Championship Match.

Magnus Carlsen would prefer a better line at the Grunfeld defence of Anand, while the current champion Anand might opt for a new line to keep the world No.1 guessing.

BTP, Portable Game Notation (PGN) file is a plain text computer-processible format for recording chess game moves with some additional tags at the start to indicate the match/tournament, players, date, and location etc.

The PGN file for FIDE World Chess Championship 2013 match between Anand, V. and Carlsen, M. is uploaded into my Google Drive.  As is the standard practice, all the rounds’ data is inserted/filled up as the match progresses.  So, as the rounds unfold, I would endeavour to keep the file updated.

You can download the latest PGN file WorldChamp2013.pgn from the folder link here.  Note that the link is to a folder and clicking it will display the file with the option to download.

PS: If that got you interested, you can download PGN files of all the World Chess Championship matches from 1886 to 2012 from  BTW I have no connection whatsoever with PGNMentor.

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