by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Hermann Rorschach's birthday Doodle by Google

For the first time, the Google Doodle has an in-built ‘Share’ button (actually a text link) to directly share the thoughts on G+, Facebook, and Twitter.  The subject of doodle is Hermann Rorschach - of the famous Rorschach inkblot test.

The Doodle displays a psychoanalyst sitting and taking notes, while the user seemingly holds the Rorschach Test patterns.  The pride wall or brag wall behind make up the first 4 letters of ‘Google’, with a potted plant and the window making up the last two.


Watch the Doodle in action...

Hermann Rorschach, born on 8 November 1884 in Zurich, and died on 1 April 1922, aged only 37 years.

Here is the Doodle in action:

Rorschach inkblot test is psychological test recommended for patients who are reluctant to express their thoughts candidly. In this test, subjects' perceptions of inkblots are analysed to conclude the disorder (if any) of that person.

While I am not going to be candid about what those inkblots mean to me, I clicked through till I could spot a ‘repeat’ pattern.  (For the record, it took about 42).  So what does it tell about me?

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