by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Doodle 4 Google Winner for Children’s Day

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru would have felt great on the Doodle adoring Google India homepage today.  14 November, the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister, affectionately called ‘Chacha Nehru’ is celebrated as Children’s Day, and today’s Doodle titled "Sky's the limit for Indian women".

It is the winning entry in the 2013 Doodle 4 Google (D4G) contest designed by Gayatri Ketharaman, from Pune.   D4G is an annual competition organised by Google for students of 1-10 standard, and winning design is displayed to celebrate Children's Day.

This year the competition received 1.5 lakh entries in the contest held across 100 cities and 1,500 schools.  There were 12 finalists, who had to be content with a Chromebook!

"Each letter of the doodle depicts the trait of Indian women. She is graceful and elegant, adept at balancing work and home. She is a go-getter and also personifies motherhood," said Gayatri Ketharaman.


Maybe a little gaudy, especially the blanket, but quite charming, isn’t it?

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