by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Dominance of Android and increasing smartphone use

The Blackberry is kaput for all practical purposes; Nokia has been effectively turned into a subsidiary of Microsoft.  Now the decks have been cleared for a straight fight between iOS and Android to become ‘the’ mobile OS of the future.

With the introduction of KitKat, that is Android 4.4, it may just be Android starting to inch ahead.  If you have been keeping touch with the mobile world, there is a bit of roasting going, on whether Apple is actually implementing an undisclosed planned obsolescence on its own older iPhones.

But Google has made a bold move in the other direction, by slicking up Android 4.4, KitKat, to make it run on older hardware.  Which is going to have its impact in due course.

Meanwhile, Earl Ray of Couponaudit was doing his own bit, researching on the increasing usage of smartphones and the dominance of Android OS in the smartphones themselves.

As is his trademark, Earl’s background work is impressive.  Even more creative is the way he has put together the results in an infographic.

update:  Sadly the infographic has been missing since 2013.  Here is a snapshot of this post archived in 2013 by Archive.Org.

This Infographic is was produced by Coupon Audit (provides Toms promo code) and Madmadrasi.

Just look at the way the information has been broken down and slotted nicely in understandable - and more important, useable groupings.  For eg.,
  • one out of every four Americans in the age group 25-34 uses a smartphone;
  • one out of every five Americans in the age group 35-44 uses a smartphone.
I never thought of smartphones that way - till Earl’s infographic charted it thus.

If you want to use the infographic in your own blog or website please feel free to do so  by copying the code below. the information has disappeared


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