by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Did Wigneswaran defy Jayalalithaa’s diktat

It is always political harakiri to be judgmental on another nation’s political process.  Even when the situation involves human rights, displaced persons or oppressive regimes, it is better to engage rather than call for isolation.  Mostly such calls and actions arise to placate home-grown narrow, misguided, and unclear passions.

The recent action of Jayalalithaa in passing a resolution against India’s participation in the Commonwealth Head of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) is one such.  Surprisingly, Jayalalithaa, one of the most intelligent and shrewd leaders around, appears to believe the voters of Tamil Nadu are serious and more concerned about the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamils rather than their own.

Nothing could be far from truth.  The calls and misplaced concerns for the so called welfare of the Sri Lankan Tamils are one of the last remaining hope of LTTE sympathizers and Tamil chauvinists, who are in a minority.  Personally I think less than 1 in 400-600 Tamils of India rate the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamils as worth more than their own.

That’s why it is surprising that Jayalalithaa fell for this propaganda by the remnants of LTTE and self-styled Tamil chauvinists. 

As if to tell her (and every Tamil in India) to limit her concern of Tamils to that of Tamil Nadu and India, the recently elected Chief Minister of Northern Province, Sri Lanka, Wigneswaran has invited the PM Manmohan Singh to visit Jaffna in the side lines of CHOGM.

To top it, Wigneswaran has “thanked” the Prime Minister and India for persuading the Sri Lankan government to hold the Northern Province elections under the 13th Amendment.
Double Boom!

To rub salt into the wounds, Wigneswaran seems to have added that he won the recent elections by a “sizeable majority.”
Boom, Triple Boom!

What the CM of Northern Province, Sri Lanka is telling the CM of Tamil Nadu, India is to keep her nose off ‘his’ province.


Personally, I couldn’t agree with him more.  It is time for people who are actually concerned for welfare of Tamils of Sri Lanka to push for proactively engaging the present Sri Lanka administration to actively sustain, support, rehabilitate, rebuild, and promote the civilian population devastated by the long civil war.

I hope better sense prevails - on both sides of the Palk Strait.

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