by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Getting Disqus to work in Internet Explorer

Perhaps this article should actually be titled ‘Getting Internet Explorer to work with Disqus’.  The most annoying display problem after installing Disqus is the error pop-up thrown up for (some) Internet Explorer users.  Readers landing with Firefox, Chrome, Opera don’t have any problem at all.

Some my friends have pointed it to me, but the arrogant bugger that I am, usually fobbed them off with a smirk, “Are you still using that old junk?”.  With IE10 finally making its way to Windows 7 yesterday (today - India time), it was time to sort out the issue.

Not to mention that by being careless, God knows how many readers have been put off.  The problem isn’t exclusively with Disqus.  The other widget ShareThis also has problems.  Either it doesn’t display at all or only the main ShareThis button shows up - the additional like buttons don’t display.  Here is the screenshot.


Fortunately Disqus has a help page exactly tackling this problem.  As per them it is a compatibility issue.  While the latest Disqus (2012) is fully compatible with the modern browsers, which includes IE 8,9, or 10, it is uncomfortable with IE7 and earlier versions.

The first hint is IE in any of those modern avatars has a Compatibility View mode, to enable the browser to display webpages designed for older versions without any problems.

But when the IE10 was checked for viewing in compatibility mode (Tools -> Compatibility View settings), it wasn’t so.  If it had been, removing the site from the Website’s you’ve added for compatibility view box would have solved the problem.

The second hint is to open the Developer Tools (F12) in IE10 to check the browser Document Mode.  Ideally it should be in Standards mode.  Additionally it can also be in IE9 or IE8 standards mode.  But my browser was set up to use IE7 standards as Page default.  And that was the problem.


Clicking on it and changing to Standards mode in the drop down menu, made Disqus and ShareThis display properly.


But that wasn’t the end of it.  A browser restart recreates the same quirk.  The bug was created by a specific line in the blogger template, which has not been updated to IE 8,9, or 10 standards.  It was a simple matter of opening up the Blogger template and replacing the existing line just after the <head> tag -
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible '/>

with this one:
<meta content='IE=10; IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE; chrome=1' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

Though the Disqus troubleshooting page doesn’t mention adding “IE=10;”, I have done so and seems to be working fine.

Update (2014): If you are using the latest blogger templates and do *not* find the original tag, it means there is no problem with displaying in IE.  You do *not* have to make this modification.

Such a simple solution.  Even a simpleton like me could figure it out in 5 minutes.  And I had wasted so many months without a thought about it.


  1. This post is helpful--if and when I actually use IE again to view blogs (use it for some other things but not usually for this).

  2. Love you man.... I was looking for this solution...

  3. Thanx again.. now it works fine....

  4. QUETECOMO.ES24/10/2013, 10:18

    Excelente respuesta. Muchas gracias por compartir tus sabios conocimientos.

  5. Me alegra ser de ayuda. :-D

  6. This publish is helpful--if and when I actually use IE again to perspective weblogs (use it for some other factors but not usually for this).

    Dukan Diät Plan

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