by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

US Elections:- Where are the ‘Joe The Plumbers’?

We all know where Samuel ‘Joe The Plumber’ Wurzelbacher is.  He is panting hard to tighten up his victory as a Representative for the Ohio’s 9th Congressional district.

But what I mean is where are the wise guys (and gals) who clamped on to the supposed ‘Joe The Plumber’ and made him up as though he is the fountain of wisdom against the intellectual Obama?

Of late to listen to Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, even from the little that I’ve heard or read, makes me surely wonder whether this guy is real.  Joe The Plumber yesterday night (5th Nov. in USA), was pumping gas at a discounted price of $1.84 per gallon in Ohio - for 100 people.

Why only 100 and not 17, 170, 318 or 183? 
  • 17 or 170 to remind that the state was the 17th to be admitted into the Union, or
  • 318 or 183 to remember that it was on 01 March, 1803 she was admitted into the Union.
But I guess it is too much to expect such imagination from that Buckeye.  Just think, wouldn’t a headline like ‘Joe The Plumber pumps gas at 1.84 for 183 people’ be more catchy than the present one? []

To repeat, we should not expect such outside-the-box thinking from Samuel ‘Joe The Plumber’ Wurzelbacher or the ruffians who form the think-tank of the national GOP - the Ryans, the Rowes, the Gingrichs and other such Republican brains.

It is a different matter that even the erstwhile Mitt Romney campaign or his winning prospects do not find favour with David Brooks, Haley Barbour or Bill Kristol.

(image courtesy Pat Oliphant)

There are people who think the 2012 US elections campaign has been disinteresting.  The whole election process has degenerated into negative advertisement, obnoxious statements and outright lies.

I wonder if those people want a repeat of the US Elections 2008.  With the ‘Drill Baby Drill’ shrilling ‘Thrilla from Wasilla’.


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US Elections: Where are Joe The Plumbers?

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