by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

US Elections: Has a weeping Obama ensured his election

Everybody hates tears.  Especially in an election.  More especially a President up for a re-election.  Except that Obama seems to have pulled off the impossible with his emotional and tearful stump at Iowa.

Because as per the latest projections on Huffington Post, the tears seems to have worked.

In my last post about 8 hours back, was the HuffPost projection at that time - switching Iowa from a possibly leaning Democrat electorate to a Tossup state.  The HuffPost projection - the right lower corner - in that post shows Iowa turning yellow for a Tossup state from a Obama leaning light blue.

Seems an 'Aiyyo' Obama has managed to corner Iowa!!

Now the HuffPost projection is back and they have switched it back to an Obama leaning light blue.  A 3 point lead with a 97% certainty is not something to disregard.

With that the Obama’s (current) total of Electoral Votes goes up to 277 from the marginal 271 as was projected earlier.  Which means that all the other pre-election day polls are true and Obama does indeed have a confirmed one to 2 percent lead over Mitt Romney, at least in the Electoral collage.

As they say, nothing is sure till the fat lady sings.  And since all these ‘swing-for-Obama’ states as per HuffPost are in the North East, by 10 a.m. tomorrow India time, we might well see a winner.  Even though the same projection has pegged the prediction confidence of a Obama lead in The Sunshine state FL at 69% and dead heat at 48% tie between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

But if you are an American citizen - please go out and vote;  whether for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama is immaterial.  Go out and vote.  Show the rest of the world that you believe in democratic process.

As I have said, nothing is sure till the Fat Lady sings.

US_elections_2012_projection_06 Nov_2300_IST

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