by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

US Elections: Between Post and CBS, Obama wins

There is still a lot of uncertainty over who will inch past the magic 270 electoral college votes in the US Presidential Elections.  And ‘inch past’ seems to be the cliché of the day.

Neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney would be happy with the results, projections and forecasts trickling in.  Over the last 2 hours I’ve been watching Washington Post online, The Sunshine State of Florida has blinked on and off - between yellow (Tossup), to light red (leaning Romney) and light blue (leaning Obama).

OTOH, the CBS online still calls it neck and neck - a dead heat, with 80%+ votes counted and the difference of about 1000 votes.

As of 10 minutes past, both Washington Post and CBS (online) agree on one thing - New Hampshire has gone blue.  And just a minute before this post, WP has painted light blue - leaning Obama - the battleground states of Ohio, Colorado and New Mexico (?).

Which leaves us with impression of a Obama re-election.



Related US Elections articles:

US Elections: Democratic Senators vs GOP Congressmen

US Elections: Between CBS and Post, Obama Wins

Has weeping Obama tied up Iowa

US Elections: Obama or Romney - early trends

US Elections: Where are Joe The Plumbers?

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