by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Reduce load time in Blogger

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve had a suspicion that with all the “decorations” in the blog - you know all the widgets, labels, archives, latest news feed and all - I am losing in the load time race.

True enough testing the site gives a load time of 4 seconds or more.

So what I’ve done today is to try and load the blog faster - (I actually want the index page to load within a second, if possible), by:
  • moving all the ‘Follow me’ links to their own page,
  • removing all the extra widgets,
  • put up a smaller image file for header,
  • removed one sidebar & made the blog a 2-column layout.
Let us see whether the faster load time brings in more readers or whether I’ve to revert back to old style.

update:  now it is disqus and sharethis which are delaying the load time at around 2.69 seconds

Bouquets and Brickbats are welcome!

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