by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Will Tropical Cyclone 02B ‘NILAM’ miss Chennai

Like the ‘Thane’ cyclone 06B of last year, will Chennai be spared from the current Tropical Cyclone 02B christened ‘NILAM’?

Whatever the earlier projections were, the latest forecast from JWTC (as of this writing) is the TC 02B Warning Number 007 DTG 30/0300Z (0830 IST).  It predicts the Cyclone dipping down and setting its sight between Pondicherry and Cuddalore, that is slightly south of Pondicherry. 

However, the IMD release of 1030 IST still warns of the Tropical Cyclone NILAM further intensifying and crossing coast between Pondicherry and Nellore in AP - that is ‘North’ of Pondicherry.

If the JTWC projection is correct, then Nilam will cross the coast south of Pondicherry.  Yeah, the same area devastated by the TC Thane during the New Year’s eve - Dec’ 11.  Here is the TC Warning graphic from the JTWC, Perl Harbour.  The TC 02B warning graphic is 007.  BTW last year too the JTWC forecast proved correct.


When we overlay this graphic on a suitable Google Map projection, we can clearly see the forecast track of TC Nilam running between Pondicherry and Cuddalore.  The map overlay was done by me in Paint.NET with the JTWC graphic on top at about 50% opacity.


As stated, the IMD still warns of threat from TC Nilam to Chennai.  So don’t let down the guard.


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