by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Where is the James Bond Google Doodle?

After 50 years of shaking people around, either in awe, anxiety, at the babes or just their heads, James Bond films still carry a charm.  More than 400 archive items from the Bond movies will be on display from today (Friday, 06th July) till September, at London's Barbican Centre in "Designing 007: 50 Years Of Bond Style."   It is themed as a celebration of the world's best-known spy - and to mark his heroic efforts for his country while saving the World.

Among other things -
  • the black dinner jacket worn by Sean Connery in "Dr No",
  • a crystal-covered dress to be seen in the forthcoming "Skyfall",
  • the Aston Martin DB5 used in an Alpine car chase in 1964's "Goldfinger",
  • the deadly bowler hat used by Oddjob in "Goldfinger",
  • the weapon used by assassin Francisco Scaramanga in "The Man With The Golden Gun",
  • the white bikini with a dagger holster, which catapulted Ursula Andress to fame in "Dr No",
  • the orange two-piece worn by Halle Berry in "Die Another Day",
  • Daniel Craig's black tux in "Quantum of Solace",
  • Pierce Brosnan's 007 passport,
  • Rosa Klebb's flick-knife shoes in "From Russia With Love",
will be on display, exploring the craft behind the screen icons, the villains, tailoring and costumes, sets, special effects, and props used in the making of films.  An array of film clips, sketches, storyboards and costumes will portray the 50 years of changing style and the enduring themes that have made James Bond popular worldwide.  In case you’re lucky enough to be in London, don’t forget to round off the visit to the exhibition with a trip to the Martini Bar for one of Bond's favourite cocktails -- shaken not stirred.  And have one for me!

After two months in London the show will embark on a three-year global tour, starting in Toronto later this year - is Chennai on the itinerary?

This snap of Sean Connery relaxing on the bumper of Aston Martin DB5 is a classic, don’t you agree?  I feel it is made even more beautiful because it is a B&W image and not a colour one.


BTW, it is 50 years of James Bond, where is the Doodle, Google?

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