by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Views under the News - 06 July 2012

The comments are probably the (imaginary) views and events behind these News Reports.
  1. No evidence  of mermaids: US government - Have you checked with the LHC-Higgs team?
  2. BRICS to comprise 20% of World economy: IMF - While they constitute 45% of World’s population: estimate.
  3. George Entwistle will be next BBC Director General - BBC will look ahead and not turn back to Middle Earth says Entwistle.
  4. Eurozone services sector ‘shrinks’ in June - No wonder Greek laundry has stellar reputation.
  5. 1.1 million Americans left without AC in heat wave: CNN - 2 million Indians homeless after flooding: CNN.
  6. UP legislators allowed to buy SUV with  Constituency fund - 100 crore SUVs to topple 5000 crore elephant statues.
(image courtesy The Hindu)

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