by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Views under the News - 05 July 2012

The comments are probably the (imaginary) views and events behind these News Reports.
  1. 50 years after Algerian War, France, Algeria inch closer - European plate is moving under Africa: Geologists.
  2. China frees 21 detained over pollution protests - 2 more Tibetans burn themselves, asking to be freed of occupation.
  3. Monti outlines spending cuts, Unions threaten strikes - Bunga Bunga Berlusconi hints at political come back.
  4. Scientists to unveil milestone in Higgs Boson hunt - Too small to see the nano-milestone fumes 83 year old Peter Higgs.
  5. No more Shark fin soup in state banquets:  China - No plan to ban Ivory chopsticks clarifies Ministry.
  6. 95 year old man demands stiff law to protect green cover - Laments there will be no trees left to haunt.
  7. Official in trouble after ordering teachers to wear  green blouse - Mistook 95 year old’s call for green cover: officer.
(image courtesy moonslipper)

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