by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Squirrels are at the guavas, once again

Did you read yesterday’s post on the Apple Guavas and the Indian Palm squirrels?  Well even though I left a couple of gnawed Guavas for the squirrels to feed on today, they stuck to their indulgence.

They left the gnawed guavas alone and instead took bites off a couple of fresh ones.  Here is a snap of one of those -


Of course there are ways to avoid the squirrels from getting to the guavas.  One suggestion is to hang moth balls in thin socks or hoses on the tree - it seems the naphthalene smell keeps them away.  There is a similar, but simpler trick I have seen being employed around Chennai.  Tear 3 feet (~1 meter) long strips of white cloth, about 3 inches (~9 cm) thick and let them hang from the branches.  Another one is a variant, using thin aluminium foils, either the wrappings or even the decorative ones.  It seems the waving pieces of fabric or foil scares the squirrels away.

I haven’t tried either of them, but for sure I will not be trying the foil option.  They might scare the squirrels away, but the foils are sure to make some noise, when they fly and wave around in the wind.  The guava tree being right next to my bedrooms, tying up noise making foils might not be such a good idea.

Related posts:
Squirrels and Guavas
Home grown guavas are not for squirrels
Home grown guavas are not for Bats

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