by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Patil and the mercy factory - posthumous pardon

Pratibha Patil on her last legs as the President of India has turned merciful.  She has been issuing  pardon to convicts facing death sentence, left, right and centre.  Not content she seems to have decided to shower her kindness in other directions too.  Since she cannot show any kindness to those ‘up’, she has decided to show her mercy to those down - buried down, literally.

The first incompetent citizen of India has gone ahead and pardoned  a convict who died almost 5 years back in October 2007.  I have heard of posthumous honours, and in fact, the highest awards for gallantry in the armed forces are mostly posthumous, but this must be the first instance of a partial pardon of a convict.  One for the Guinness, I should say.

Which made me think.  As one of her Ministers has so famously enacted  an act to retrospectively collect Tax, and the culprit looks certain to occupy her soon to be vacant chair, she must have been inspired to try her hand at a retrospective act too.  Too bad what she tried is beyond the powers of the President of India.

OTOH, we’ve to check whether B.B. Tidke, the late convict who has been pardoned, had any ancestral land for the President to grab and make her bungalow!  Just yesterday, at a news portal, I commented Pratibha Patil must be the worst President India has ever had.  Today, I revise my opinion - Pratibha Patil is the worst President India can ever have.  We have give her credit.  Pratibha Patil as President of India has set such low standards, no President ever can stoop so low to surpass her.

As a wag put it during lunch, now we know how Pratibha Patil came to be the President of India.  If her cooking  was as bad as her actions as President, no wonder Mrs. Gandhi decided to chuck her out to Raisina Hills.


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