by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Compare the spacecrafts

The year 2012 has been momentous for the human space flight.

One was the first ever successful  spacecraft launch and recovery by a private commercial entity in the form of SpaceX Dragon.

Second was the successful manual docking by Chinese astronauts, one of them a female astronaut on board Shenzhou 9 with their orbiting space capsule Tiangong 1.

The second even is significant as China is only the 3rd country ever to indigenously launch humans into space.

But when we talk of Shenzhou, the now retired Space Shuttles, or Soyuz, the most successful spacecraft ever, do we have any idea of how big, small or massive they are?  When we talk of Tiangong 1, how comparable is it to the old Russian Salyut or Mir space stations or the current International Space Station?

I was first alerted by the BoingBoing post ‘Space vehicles to scale’.  From there jumped to the remix of the image with additions by doctorheredoctor @ reddit.  But I found there was no reference to the planned India’s ISRO Orbital Vehicle.

That has been added in this remix-2 by me.


(doctorheredoctor’s image is at

1 comment:

  1. معلومات مفيدة للغاية شاركتها هنا حول سعر دواء champix في السعودية 2020 . هذه طريقة رائعة لتعزيز المعرفة بالنسبة لنا ، كما أنها مفيدة لنا. شكرا لتقاسم مثل هذا المقال.


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