by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Tendulkar scores his 100th Century and India will lose the match

At last the pain - the pathetic caricature of a cricketer who can’t sight the ball - is over as Sachin Tendulkar has scored his 100th International Century.

Next will come the hoopla - for sure it is a great, magnificent and remarkable - this achievement which is going to make Indian Cricket lovers fall over themselves in paying tribute and forget the failures in England and Australia.

Today the sentiment - that whenever Sachin Tendulkar scores big or good, India tend to lose the match - is also going to come true.  To add insult to injury it is going to be the lowly Bangladesh which is going to best us.

God save Indian Cricket.

Especially now that the calls for ‘Bharat Ratna’ to be *handed* over to Sachin Tendulkar would get louder.

As a neighbour’s son commented when Sachin Tendulkar spoke on live TV after his feat, ‘well, we don’t expect Sachin Tendulkar to be honest and admit he has been selfish, but at least he shouldn’t ply us with the bullshirk about playing for Team India.  The last guy to play for Team India retired last week.’

To which even my Tendulkar-loving 9-year-old nephew  added, ‘Sachin Tendulkar should dedicate this 100th Century to Rahul Dravid.’

<end of story>

(image courtesy project Gutenberg, from Punch, Aug. 1887)

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