by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Laser Erasing Printers and Hacker Operating System

Even in a dark and stormy night, would you get into a car of a convicted rapist?  Or sleep in the same room with a psychotic killer? I’m sure that no one in their right mind would.  But the World is not full of sane, sensible people.  There are crazies who don’t think twice and actually do step into such a car or sleep on the same bed.

What else to call the 26,000+ idiots who actually downloaded (and probably installed) an operating system supposedly released by the hacker group Anonymous?

It might be all right to claim that rapists and killers are human beings and ought to be treated as one in a debate.  In practice doing either of the above would mean that you are going to get shoved with something hard and piercing during the night. (pun intended)

However, the ‘official’ Anonymous group has claimed that they’ve nothing to do with this OS and in fact tweeted that the AnonOS is packed with Trojans.  The original location of the suspicious AnonOS, the much maligned and equally admired open source software code repository Sourceforge has since booted out the ‘fake’ operating system (not their words).

Sourceforge has blogged that the Anonymous OS project is not ‘open’ and may be poses a security risk to the downloaders and hence have suspended the project, as of now.  You can read their actual response here [].

The idiot-of-a-friend who alerted me to the original release news tried to face down my scolding at her attempted download mumbling ‘just wanted to test out the security tools; to learn how to detect and obviate penetration; to secure and harden the system in the digital world’.  Which got her ears verbally cuffed a bit more while enlightening that a perfectly legitimate, respected and reliable Linux distro already exists by way of ‘BackTrack’ [].  Obviously she has never heard of it and would never ever try it out because her attempted download of Anonymous OS was just a fad.

The other news which was of interest was the development of a Printer which erases texts on a document.  As of now, it erases photocopied documents and is still a laboratory technology demonstrator.

But would you care to bet a hundred dollars that 5 years down the line, a progeny of this technology would be used by criminals to erase and reprint a one dollar note into a hundred dollar note?

(Image courtesy BBC)

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