by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Is Iran behind the terror attacks?

There has been a slew of attacks against Israeli diplomats in Delhi, and in Tbilisi and today some grenades thrown by an ‘alleged’ Iranian in Bangkok.  Israel and Indian media has gone to town whether we, that is India, should be backing Iran or that country should be isolated in cooperation with other Western countries.

I’ve really a doubt whether we really have problem of Shia terrorism in India, without any independent proof.
People reading this blog know very well that I’m, personally, not in love with Ahmadinejad, but to think that Iran would sponsor a terrorist attack in India, the one major neutral country, except for ‘everything-West-says-is-wrong’ China, is beyond belief.

OTOH, Israel is known for false flag attacks, like what happened in Dubai  last year - if I remember right, even Australia and UK had to demarche the Israelis.

Now, let us not get too far.  India’s relation with Israel is too long standing, precious and strong to repudiate, accept and digest even with *that* false flag attacks by Israel.

The present attack could be from a non-state-sponsored organisation, but again to parrot K.C. Singh’s views, it is highly improbable to conclude that Iranian state is behind the attacks.

What India should do is pursue the investigation and find out who exactly is responsible - irrespective of whoever else (Georgia, Thailand) is attacked.

Let us be very clear.  Anyone, whether it was Iran or Pakistan or any other state or non-state actors, at this time or anytime past or in future, who sponsor terrorism in India, or attacks against India and Indians, in India or elsewhere, either directly or by proxy, should be dealt with - on *terminal* terms.

But without any proof, on speculation by media, I am not willing to judge anyone - Iran or Israel.
My Innocent half inquires, ‘Why are we, India, not willing to hang even proven terrorists?  How do I, a common citizen, expect that the Indian state will act against the next active terrorist, if we don’t even have the guts to put to death, proven terrorists?’

How many more Indian citizens have to cry before we start to eliminate terrorists?

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