by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Age of the Empires - 3

The human history is archaeologically classified into 3 major ages, namely the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  There are further subdivisions within like the Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age, New Stone Age, Copper Age and et. al.

By now, you must have understood that this post is not about the MS Age of Empires game, but a compilation of history.

While so much writings exist about these Ages - just Google for them - graphical representation of the Ages of Man are missing, at least I cannot find any.

As to why such a graphical presentation is required has been explained in the previous posts:
Is History just making it up? - part 1, and
Is History just making it up? - part 2.

If you have a look at the made-in-MS-Excel and uploaded as Google spreadsheet below, you will notice a strange thing. 
  • For many millions of years, the Hominids (that is the Humans, our related species -Apes- and the common ancestors of both) seem to have just wandered around, hunting, preying and breeding. 
  • Starting with the Stone Age, they learned to use stone as tools.
  • They evolved further when they learned to adopt stones for tool making.
  • Within a few thousand years, they progressed into agriculture and smelting of metals, starting with the easiest, Copper and Tin.  This is the time they have invented writing, about 3,000 years ago.
  • Then till about 300 years ago, they seemed to have fallen into a stupor, once again hunting and preying (occupying and pillaging) and breeding (raping) among themselves.
  • Waking up in the 18th century and understanding the potential of Coal they embarked on an Industrial Revolution which revolutionized Technology and generally led to better standards of living over most of the planet.
  • :-D
    • (It is a different matter that they have also damaged the ecological balance of the planet in the bargain - the debate on how badly is still going on)
    • :-P
  • The discovery of the potential of Oil and its superiority over Coal about a 100 years later (coupled with innovation in use of Steam power) led to the Second Industrial Revolution.
  • Large scale generation of Electricity about a 100 years back seems to have really galvanized the Homo Sapiens to attempt to understand further and think better.
  • The discovery of Silicon and its semiconducting properties about 50 years back has unleashed the yearning of the masses to harness technology in new ways, to innovate and benefit.
So, by just looking at the graphical representation, we get a rough idea of what has happened in the past and the rapid changes we are experiencing now.  Would you have gleaned even this rough idea by just reading 20 Wikipedia articles on Ages and Revolutions and Semiconductors?  I guess not - that is, even if you can find the time to read through them all.

So here is the spreadsheet; have fun.

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