by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

To procrastinate on the first post is sure-fire disaster

For a blogger who is used to 40 to 70 page views a day, it is awesome (actually downright scary) to be asked to post on Technorati.  That was the state of my mind on 06th Oct when my application to become a Technorati blogger was approved – yes 3 days before and I am yet to open my account.

After a few hours came the realization that an editorial filter is a good idea and provides an opportunity from making a fool of myself.  Thus reassured, I promptly fell into the next fugue for the next 24 hours.
I have decided to post on my three strengths, Politics, Sports and Technology;  On gathering up my thoughts, the unsureness was back:
  • I could write about Sports:
    • but Cricket is the the only game on which I know a little to blog about.  Would such a first post attract attention and offer encouragement or sink like a stone and drill my confidence?  Probably the second.
  • I could post about Politics:
    • but the affirmation by the Planning Commission of India that an Indian citizen spending more than Rs. 25/- (~ 50 cents US) everyday on food, shelter, health,, is to be considered rich is not hot news.
    • the street gossip in my home town Chennai (Madras) on the seemingly flip-flop decisions by the present Administration and the prospects for her party in the upcoming local body elections next week is ‘local’ at best.
    • Similarly taking a dig at Arun Nehru for his view that India is heading for a mid-term general elections might enable me bragging rights 2 years down the line, but not much now.
  • I could post about Technology:
    • on what is riling up the teens in India – the action by the Telecom Authority (TRAI) to restrict the number of SMS texts per SIM card to 100 per day, but it probably would have been a hit last Sunday.
    • on how an Engineering College in Chennai is attempting to obfuscate the Social Media Background check.  But prying a little further makes me question my sanity.
After procrastination for 2-1/2 days, it was time to approach it sidewise.  Instead of deciding on any one of them, why not post on all of them?  So, saturday evening (in India) was an Eureka moment.
Taking an even broader view brought another Eureka thought.  Why not write about the procrastination itself?

Which brings me to the headline – the PC broke - it appears that the Intel 845GLVA MB is blown.  So, there goes all the auto links setup in the WLW.

Thus this Sunday, I imposed on a friend, commandeered his PC and am on the way.  God Bless good friends – even if they purse their lips and utter a few curses behind the back while thrusting coffee in my hand.

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