by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

CNN and Democrats parrot what I wrote an year back

It is a definite ‘now why didn’t YOU think of that’ moment and time to pat myself in the back - as no one else is bothered.

Two days back there was a thoughtful article in the CNN ‘Did Democrats make a wrong choice?’ [].

Briefly it explored the idea that there is an emerging opinion (at least in Democratic circles) that it would have been better if Hillary Clinton had been chosen as the Presidential Candidate instead of Barack Obama by the Democrats, back in 2008.

In 2008, I was not blogging and was trying to run my small time outsource business.  But once BO became the Presidential Candidate I decided quickly to get out of it.  A good decision as it turned out later with the downturn in economy and many such units going bust;  added to it was the almost vitriolic statements by BO, both as Presidential Candidate and as President against outsourcing.

But in early 2010 I did wonder whether Hillary was getting ready for a 2012 run in the post Clinton trimming her sails and how in my opinion the Dems had messed up a potential 12 to 16 year lock on the White House and instead might struggle in the 2012 polls

Mind you this was
  • almost 9 months before the 2010 midterm election fiasco (for the Dems.)
  • almost 6 months before Gallup loaded the dice for the Republicans (even in July they gave the edge to Democrats)
  • sitting ~13500 km* (~8400 mi)* away from the action and without resort to any polls, opinion or surveys; but by just thinking about/through the situation.
* Distance between NY and Chennai, courtesy using Great Circle Calculation or ‘as the crow flies’, though it would require a super crow to fly that distance
Sorcerer Mickey image courtesy

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