by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Has Team Anna lost its mind

I’ve been vexed with the confrontation between Team Anna and the Administration of Manmohan Singh, the PM of India and 3 days back, I switched off the controversy to take my mind off, and watched a programme called ‘Dog Whisperer’ in one of the nature channels.  And I was stunned to realise that what both sides needed was a ‘sense whisperer’.

Before anyone jumps on me for equating anyone with a ‘dog’, I am not doing any such thing (pun intended).  It is just an analogy.

I think both sides should take a step back and rethink what they are going on about.  None of the sides want to actually destabilise India and want to do only good for the country.

That said, I’ve spent, more time on this than anyone else (including individuals on both sides) on this subject for past couple of days.  When both sides keep issuing statements to the galore, I thought it would be best, if I use the Mind Map/Concept Map to actually get to the crux of the difference in perceptive.

Here is the image of the mind map which took me hours to compile -  (I hope to refine it and release it as an interactive, brainstorming map tomorrow) - as my preference it has been done in the Open Source, Freeware, Xmind. The interactive map is online here [].

annas problem

The green dotted lines represent where they are in agreement, while the red dotted lines show areas of disagreement.  The blue line is where the controlling authority should lie.

That said here are my comments posted today morning in the Times of India:  (I don’t know or care whether it has been posted live):

I can't understand how the present Govt. managed to paint itself into this corner. Your 3rd solution - of arbiters - who would have been 'interlocutors' - should have been the 1st and last offer of the GoI 2 or 3 months back. After all haven't the Kashmir interlocutors managed to calm down the valley?
Why hasn't the GoI applied its own (successful) formula here? I just can't believe that a Govt. could be so naive.

But then this is the danger of having too many lawyers as spokespersons for the party. I think when confronted with potentially tricky situations (and not being seasoned politicians who can gauge the direction of the political wind - the mood of the people) they switch to 'lawyer' mode - 'defend your client at all costs' mode.

Something like
  • A. Raja blaming the PM and the HM.
  • Kanimozhi blaming A. Raja for whatever has happened.
  • Kanimozhi denying that she had anything to do with their TV network
to name a few recent arguments in courts.

These arguments look and perhaps work good in the court of law; but in a politics, in public sphere, it falls flat.
--- end of comment --

I stuns me that with all the resources available to both Team Anna and the GoI, no one even thought of putting their concepts in such Concept Map.

Technologically savvy is not just using Blackberry or Tweeting or being on Facebook, it is trying to harness the technology available to engineer and put forth your views.

To be continued ...
The 2nd part of this post is The problem with Anna Hazare

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