by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Chase Chinese intruders away with Chicken Curry

For more than a decade now, Union Defence Ministers and their colleagues have been denying that the dreaded Chinese have intruded into Indian territory in Arunachal Pradesh or in Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • a decade back, the then Defence Minister Fernandes denied it;
  • in 2007, the Army Chief and the Union Home Minister  denied it;
  • in 2010 the Defence Minister Antony denied it;
  • in 2011 the late CM of Arunachal Dorjee Khandu denied it;
  • the Army doesn’t know whether the Chinese transgressed or the Chinese kept off Indian territory in Ladakh.
While our defence experts have been twiddling their thumbs all these years on what exactly should India do to avoid another bloody nose from the Chinese, some Chinese citizens might have inadvertently given away their weakness.

It seems the Chinese cannot stand the smell of Chicken Curry [] and would go to great lengths to enforce their will on their neighbours.

There, we have the solution - a cheap, effective and permanent solution to the Chinese problem.  Stink bombs which smell of Chicken Curry.

So, is it Gamers for Pakistanis at the Radcliffe line and Curry-Stink Bombs for the Chinese at the McMohan Line?


I’ve heard of ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’, but ‘Chicken Curry to Chase Chinese’?  Sounds like a great title for a new series of books.  Perhaps I should stop blogging and start a publishing franchise.

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