When Apple sues Samsung or Paypal fights Google and Microsoft loses to i4i, the underlying theme is that original thinkers should be rewarded for their work.
Ideas, concepts and innovations can be social, political, economic or technology oriented, but whatever they are, the people who think and offer solutions should be acknowledged - that is what patent and copyright are about.
When the innovation engineers a social change, most likely there would be very little money made - the change would probably reflect a better social or economic standards for a group of people or society - an intangible process. But then, the originator would expect and should be acknowledged.
When a political theory proves true, perhaps the idea man needs to be engaged by a political entity to further explore that or other political theories to advance their political base.
If it is an economic or technological innovation, it is a straight forward case that the innovator should be given due recognition and share in the plunder.
Thus when I outline

Ideas, concepts and innovations can be social, political, economic or technology oriented, but whatever they are, the people who think and offer solutions should be acknowledged - that is what patent and copyright are about.
When the innovation engineers a social change, most likely there would be very little money made - the change would probably reflect a better social or economic standards for a group of people or society - an intangible process. But then, the originator would expect and should be acknowledged.
When a political theory proves true, perhaps the idea man needs to be engaged by a political entity to further explore that or other political theories to advance their political base.
If it is an economic or technological innovation, it is a straight forward case that the innovator should be given due recognition and share in the plunder.
Thus when I outline
- an deluge of a monsoon in 2010 versus a ‘normal’ forecast by IMD, should the worthies not pay heed, acknowledge the truth of my words and adopt the native knowledge or still stick on to outdated theories? Perhaps if they had, the Pakistan flooding could have been better managed.
- 5 months before that the present ruling combine would lose in the TN elections of May 2011, should one of the ruddy political parties not engage me as a one-man political think tank?
- national security operations can be crowdsourced - the US Navy ropes in gamers for innovation in anti-piracy operations, and [http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=6541908&c=AME&s=SEA]
- DARPA asks gamers to test submarine tracking simulator [http://www.informationweek.com/news/government/security/229401003]
- - hey how about outsourcing some of that moolah to me?
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