by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Why you should never negotiate with Terrorists

It may make a great copy to pop off humanist nonsense that ‘Our’ terrorists are ‘Our Own’ people, and hence we will have to employ a soft-touch policy.

All the while trying to create an illusionary argument that terrorists of ‘other’ (nations) are not ‘their’ own, and so ‘they’ should deal with ‘their’ terrorists more harshly.

How can we even think of mouthing such abjectly wretched argument?

A terrorist is a terrorist, irrespective of:
  • wherever he was born, or
  • wherever she is operating from, or
  • whoever he is acting against, or
  • whatever ideology she professes to believe in
Instead of fixing these collective determinations in mind and acting accordingly, while facing terrorists,
  • We free confirmed terrorists just because, true to their name, their co-terrorists start to ‘terrorize’.
  • Keep wringing our hands when the terrorists don’t ‘keep’ their word, and instead go pleading and begging to them to change their colour.
  • We crow that terrorists  are getting their just desserts - death sentence - under due judicial process.
  • But continue to safe-keep such terrorists without punishment, and without missing a beat, defend the decision as the ‘correct’ one.
  • Suddenly wake up and in a flurry of activity start running hither and thither, and claim that we’ve cleared so much area of terrorists.
  • And slink back, tail between the legs, when the terrorists hit back.
No wonder for last 60 years, we’ve been plagued by ‘externally-fostered-internal-threats’ and have been unable to throttle them once for all.  All our enemies have clearly understood our (military) strength and our (soft on terror) weakness and are exploiting it to the hilt.  And we are being suckered in, every time.

My Mischievous Half murmurs, ‘Whatever, this excellent cartoon by Chip Bok, on the Mumbai terror attack may be up-in-your-face, but is truly reflective of the reality.

A Lathi against an AK-47.’


LOL.  I just love the depiction of the terrorist ‘face’ vis-a-vis the cop’s.

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