by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Already like Tweaked Google search

Two days back every news organisation worth its salt went to town about the changes Google has made to its search algorithm.  The news and the impact was considered so serious that one company which makes about 41% of its money by supposedly acting as a ‘content farm’ lost 5% of its market cap , when investors hammered it.

This algorithm tweak is supposed to give higher ranking to the so called ‘high quality’ sites - sites which have ‘original content and information such as research, in-depth reports, thoughtful analysis and so on’.  Wait a minute!  Those words are exactly what the mad.madrasi is all about, isn’t it?

Even though Google themselves stated that the change would impact about 12% of the sites - or 1 in 8 websites and it was supposed to be first tested out in the US, before being gradually introduced worldwide, I was curious to know whether it would have an impact in practice?

So today, I Googled, what else, but ‘monkeyshines’ and lo and behold!  The monkeyshine nutworks came out 17th in the search results.  Earlier, it used be on the 7th page - if at all.  So, seems like the new tweak is chasing out all the loonies and buggers out - giving a chance for us mavericks.


Way to go Google!  Keep it up and Thank You!

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