by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

The worms do come out

Even I was slightly bemused reading my own post Tackle corruption and my own suggestion that if you hit where it hurts the corrupt most - that is take away the fruits of their corruption - then the worms will come out.

Ratan Tata might not have read my post, but certainly there seems to be a rising angst in the nation against corruption at high places.  As Ratan Tata himself states, he didn’t pay the bribe so that he can sleep well at night; but it is an odd moment for the recollection to come through - after 10, 12 or 15 years.

If even righteous persons are propelled to recollect such uncomfortable propositions, which, being righteous they rightly discarded - think what an effect my idea would do to the thieves licking their chops?

Am I not right in asking for -
  • the 2G licences to be cancelled and to be auctioned afresh?
  • razing the Adharsh building and thus ensuring that there would in fact be some ‘money-martyrs’ in the name of Kargil?
  • razing down the Delhi Games village and ensure that fruits of malpractice are not allowed to ripen?  But if allowed, to be put in where they belong?

Oh you bribe-monkeys, Here is a banana!

My Wicked half whispers, ‘Like Ratan Tata, I would go to sleep every night with a clear conscience - I have tried and put forth my best’
Ta and Cheers!

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