by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Thank God for one count of terror charge

It is galling that terrorists are found ‘not-guilty’ in the Western judiciary, right now.  A former Gitmo detainee, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani  has been cleared of 284 charges but was found guilty on one count - conspiracy to damage or destroy property with explosives - in other words a bomber, which means a terrorist.

This comes in the back of the UK decision to compensate British terrorists previously held in Gitmo.  The British government has refused to disclose the amount, reports put it at more than £10 million.

In that context, the Americans must be breathing easy - if that bugger was found not guilty of even that one charge, it would have been an unimaginable mess.  Thus thank God for that one count.

As I tweeted to @mjgranger1 “yeah, its is pathetic - to compensate not only criminals, but terrorists. Next they'll 'reaper' Osama and then pay him $$”

My Mischievous half murmurs,
‘Ahmed Kalfan Ghailani,
Daood Sayed Gilani,
Syed Ali Shah Geelani,
- what is with this Gilani surname and terrorism?’

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