by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

New Virus found - red-hands, sheepish-look & saintly-act.

The Government seems to dropped the idea of cancellation of select licences, which in my view never had a chance in a court of law.  Instead the news is that they are going with another half baked idea of collecting additional fee  from select licensees.

This again has very little chance of passing a judicial scrutiny.  If the original process itself is admitted to be wrong, how can a penalising act against select part of the beneficiaries can be justified? 

The whole lot should be treated equally (pro-rata), and either everyone gets the same benefits or everyone gets the boot.

There seems to be a new virus spreading in our country of late.  It seems to infect only the corrupt and the classic symptoms are ‘red-hands, sheepish-look and a saintly-act’, followed by ‘mea-culpa’ and total ‘amnesia’ after a few months.

The infected when caught with their hands in the illegal-cookie-jar seem to have adopted a sort of ‘plea-bargaining’ tactics.   They call themselves ‘clear in conscience’ (‘of’ would be more apt) for a few days before offering to give up the spoils of their thievery, perhaps even their official positions and hope that it will go away in time.

It started with the IPL-Kochigate scam.

The minister was exposed muddling around in the auction and once it came known that his ‘girlfriend’ is slated for sweat equity, she tried a saintly-act by giving it back.  And we haven’t heard any more of the scam, not even a peep on how the investigation is going!.
It continues to spread in the land grabs.

In the Adharsh society flat grab the former Chief Minister Ashok Chavan and former Army, Navy Chiefs were caught appropriating apartments meant for war heroes, martyrs and war widows.  Once it blew up, they have offered to return the flat.

In the Bangalore land grab, the Karnataka CM’s son and daughter are set to return their ‘allotted’ properties after everything blew up.  And the ‘honourable’ Chief Minister is still claiming he is almost a ‘saint’.

It seems to be endemic with some more in the pipeline.

There is also the alleged Rice export scam which is in the pressure cooker waiting to explode, alleged to be of some Rs. 2,500 crore (~ $ 550 mn).

I also hear whispers that a Game Regulatory Body has allegedly scammed on exams conducted a few months back.  Allegations of non-uniformity in correcting the answer sheets, non-refund of fee to candidates who withdrew are being whispered around.  Will the next guy to do a mea-culpa be the ‘thinking’ gentleman?  Wait and see.

It has the ability to inoculate against cure.

Perhaps the real reason it seems to be endemic.  The latest news is that the Government is attempting to justify its proposed actions stating that cancellation of licences would affect  telecom sector and the telecom players have already forked over a lot for 3G spectrum.

My foot!


  1. Thoughtful post dude .. The virus is surely eatin our country up for good ! The way the govt is behavin, i really fear abt the state of our nation in future.

  2. yup. very worrisome; not the corruption alone, per se, but the attitude of the culprits is more dangerous. Taroor is back writing articles & media is lapping it up - soon he'll be on TV too. Shameless.

  3. -ditto- of today's comments at


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