by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Do businessmen and politicians collude to swindle citizens?

With the media going hammer and tongs at the politicians and the corporate collusions in the current ongoing alleged scams - Wireless Spectrum, Commonwealth Games or Land grab, how is that that common public, the ordinary citizens can know the truth?

Whether there was collusion between corporate and politicians, beyond acceptable level, is not known.  But, there would always be an understanding between politicians and the corporate world is given - it is there in the US, the UK, the Euro zone and Japan.  Within certain parameters, it is understandable, acceptable and essential to promote growth.

But with the recent alleged scams, we in India are in the midst of unheard of stink to the extent that no industrial association is willing to face the media right now - as stated in Times Now by Arnab Goswami, today.

So how can we the citizens know the truth?

The fact is we have come a long way from the times of Mr. Madhu Dandavate, the finance minister who also actively promoted Konkan railway, where much private, partisan and self-centred interests were overcome.  With him also ended the Finance Ministers looking after the interests of common man.

The practice of watching and measuring development of India based on the Stock markets (the SENSEX) commenced with his successors and has been the bane of common people till this day.
So, with this active media focus on politician-corporate collusion, I foresee a fall in stock market when the corporate rally around to *turn* the public sentiments.  When one sees his *investments* and asset worth dwindle away, one would be inclined not to evince much more interest in the happenings of the intangibles going around.

But that would certainly be a proof that such collusion exists.  Whereas we have today a Finance Minister, (Pranab Mukherjee), who while may not be in the same ‘socialistic’ scale as Mr. Dandavate, is no mean ‘common-man-friendly’ himself.  A man who strikes as a very level headed, people friendly and commonsense driven individual and so would / should not be so moved by the movements of the stocks.

Let us see - whether the index falls and if so whether the public clamour dies down and what does the government actually do!

My Wicked half whispers, ‘With the revelations about alleged foreign funding from dubious sources in IPL and now in Spectrum (alleged) scandals, would it be *mad* to question the source of the FII fuelling of the stock boom?

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