by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Chandan Mitra says 'I can do it, but you cannot'

That seems to be the challenge the ruling party has asked the principal opposition party today.

Everyone is concerned about the Bihar state elections where as expected the ruling party at the centre got a drubbing with the ruling combine in the state (who sit in opposition in the centre) roaring back with two-thirds majority.  The only thing unexpected, at least to me, (but I perceive not to the ruling party high command) is the rout of the fringe others.  I think that the ruling party made the appropriate moves to take back the political space.

And claiming a political space back is not easy.  To get it back first a political *space* or *vacuum* has to be created - and now it looks like they have achieved that.   Am I glad.

While the media has been focused on the election results in Bihar,  the alleged Telecom scam and the alleged land grab by the CM of Karnataka, the ruling party quietly, subtly and very strongly showed why it is the ruling party.

Why it keeps doing what the opposition parties haven’t been able to replicate - get re-elected again at the centre.  It has been the INC which has been able to do it again and again, storm back to power even after losing an election (at the centre).  Others have been able to do it in the states, but no opposition combine has been able to do it at the General Elections.  True, isn’t it?

And the INC gave a display of what party power structure is all  about. 
  • Despite not such a good result (public/media perspective) in the elections to the 3nd largest state in India (by population, Bihar),
  • It did change the leadership akin to changing diapers in the 5th largest state in the land (by population, AP).
  • Neither the INC or the BJP have much say in the largest state (by population, UP). 
  • In the 2nd largest state (by population, MH) the INC has already shown that it can quickly regroup if the CM is alleged of malpractice. 
  • In the 4th largest state (by population, WB) again, both the INC and the BJP are marginal. 
  • In the 9th largest state of the Union (by population, KA) the BJP has been tying itself in knots about the alleged land grab and whether to let the *serving* CM go or not (it has been almost decided as not, as of now).
A blunt case of up yours, in politics, as I have ever come across.

The worst is that the principal opposition doesn’t even realise it and was proved on TV today.

While I generally try not to name persons or attack people personally, this is one exception of the few I am going to make.  The BJP spokesman today on Times Now, Mr. Chandan Mitra was atrocious.  His repeated sermons were like a primped up soliciting man who cannot afford others to speak - fearing that he’ll lose his customers, with the knowledge that what he has to offer is an old, sick, diseased hag.

If all you can offer is ‘you too did it’, then where is the party of the difference?

What got my goat was his *inability* to hear the views of an independent panelist - Mr. Vinod Mehta.  If you cannot accept review or criticism, justified or not, you don’t deserve a democratic space. 

If your intention is to gobble-gobble and drown others out, you are displaying an authoritarian streak, just like the commies, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim Sung Il or the Taliban.

My Wicked half whispers. ‘perhaps none of the other BJP spokespersons were willing to go-out-there and defend the indefensible - and this worthy thought himself as a Horatio but came out as an Ass!’

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