by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

The Ashes Clashes - Sydney versus Big Ben

This is not a review for the next Ice Age film but a commentary on the recent fracas between the Aussies and the English on the upcoming cricket tour – the Ashes.

Four years back, when the English toured Australia the English bushwhacked the Sydney Harbour Bridge with images of Freddy Flintoff and Monty Panesar.


Now the English tour is on again and it was the Aussies turn to pull off a stunt. They did it spectacularly splashing Big Ben with the Punter and Pup.  Adding insult to injury was the taunt “Don’t forget to pack the urn”


While the England captain laughed it off, the local council has threatened legal action and went as far as to term it as ‘criminal offence.’

Get a life guys.

But then, during the 2009 Aussie tour of England, Richard Branson projected himself on the Sydney Harbour Bridge with the taunt ‘Good Luck Ricky, You’ll need it’ and the Aussies were not amused.  Then again I guess no one will be amused with Branson’s mug. /LOL/



I wonder what will happen if South Africa project something like that on Gateway of India when we tour them.

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