by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Poor are criminals – so says the PM

Of all the utterances of the Bureaucratic Bumbler, this takes the cake – perhaps he suggests that the poor eat it too.  The Prime Minister of India, the nation of the Mahatma Gandhi, is on record saying that the wealth divide is adding to the instability of India.  To quote the article the country's widening divide between rich and poor was a factor that encouraged crime.  

Well spoken, my Prime Minister – it is a profound point.  One that is worthy of research by Mr. Amartya Sen.

The irony is that he has chosen to utter this nonsense in a meeting of police chiefs of all the states of India.  I can understand if he had said that it a development seminar or a non-governmental organisation meet or even at a meet of the Confederation of Indian Industry.  But no, he *has* to say that to the Police chiefs.

Well spoken Mr. Prime Minister – a very thought provoking point.  One that is worthy of putting up to Mr. Paul Krugman

This on the same day when my hope Mr. Rahul Gandhi had stated "True development takes place by respecting interests of the poor and the tribals and not by muffling their voice."  Thank Goodness that there is still hope for this party of the Mahatma.

And the comments on the Times of India report are revealing.

About the time the Commonwealth Games shenanigans hit the news, an associate of mine, who owes allegiance to an ally of the party of the Mahatma, was sarcastic about the Prime Minister.  I deemed it offensive and racist and did not blog that, at that time.  But now, I think I can very well quote him.
Mind you, it is something which was told to me, and I certainly don’t mean any offense either religious, communal, personal or of any other kind & I blog it just to give a perspective on some people’s thinking.

He said, “Well, the Mahatma used seven feet of cloth.  This guy wraps that much on his head alone.  What do you expect of him?”

No comments at that – I was and remain totally speechless.

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