by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Phone taps – At last they talk of ‘citizens rights’

Generally, I don’t agree with far-right/left – but this time it is L.K. Advani who gets my support.  By finally talking about ‘rights of ordinary citizens’ in the phone tapping scandal, going as far as to ask for rewriting of the archaic Telegraphy Act, he stands tall among the mess.

By contrast, the people I admire are starting to appear more and more shabby, reduced in stature and incompetent – the PM, FM and Mrs. Gandhi.

The others are just hopeless –
  • The commies are more worried about their ‘leaders’ privacy
  • Digvijay Singh is non-committal, doesn’t want to go against government, so soon after his outburst about naxals, I guess
  • Chatterbox Sibal also ducks questions on phone taps
  • BJP’s own spokesperson is more worried about politicians – if CM’s can’t be trusted, then who else? – remember one Madhu Koda, Rudy boy?
The NTRO itself is riddled  with corruption, inefficiency and nepotism – and brings to the table the question of UID/NIN & bio-metric database of all Indians and the potential for its misuse. []


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