by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

With Ash Clouds can they say No to Trident?

There is an intense debate going on in UK about the Trident Nuclear Deterrent System between Lib Dem and Labour / Tories.

While whether to spend 100 bn UKP is best left to the British, I don’t understand one thing.  If not Trident, then what do they propose ? Nukes to be delivered by aircraft ?

Not a bad idea – as recently as 10 March, it seems the Russians sent  in their ‘Bear’ strategic bombers into British airspace; Similar buzzing has occurred 20 times in the past year says UK’s MOD.


An RAF Tornado buzzing a Russian Bear.

The only problem is what if there is an Ash cloud ?

Now are these guys silly or what?

Just think:  If they scrap the Trident and are going to rely on their Typhoons and Lightnings,  what will happen in case of a repeat Ash Cloud.  The Typhoons and Lightnings may be good or better against the Bears, but in an Ash Cloud, they'd never fly.

But ballistic missiles (or ballistic missile submarines) aren't bothered by Ash Cloud.  In fact an atomic burst in the middle of an Ash Cloud would be better - from the view point of the enemy.

The British better wake up.

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