by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Internet turns Nazi into Soviets and Pakistanis into Indian

I just love these.  The Russians publish a calendar featuring Nazi soldiers to commemorate WWII victory.  The error was discovered after the calendar was published and naturally there was embarrassment and anger.


What a bunch of dummkopfs.  They didn’t even know enough to recognize the square Nazi helmets.

But who are we, Indians, to throw stones at the Russian glass house?  Back home, in January, there was a similar goof-up.  Women and Child Welfare Ministry used the image of a Pakistani soldier – a former Air Chief to boot – in an advertisement against foeticide.


Both goof-ups were because the publishers downloaded pictures from, where else, but the internet, since they felt that original pictures didn’t have enough ‘presence’.

But as a friend put it – in India’s case it is appropriate isn’t it ?
Foeticide and Pakistanis – those buggers do want to kill Indians, don’t they?

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