by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Yes Prime Minister

A good one to start the week with !  The British Royal Mail issued a stamp of the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as part of its Eminent Britons Collection in Oct 2009.



But it happened that the stamp of the PM was not sticking to envelopes. 


This enraged the Prime Minister, who demanded a full investigation and one was sanctioned by the Chairman of Royal Mail Mr. Donald Brydon CBE.

After a month of testing and spending of £1.1 million, the CEO of Royal Mail Mr. Adam Crozier was presented with the following findings by the investigating committee:
  1. The stamp is in perfect order.
  2. There is nothing wrong with the adhesive.
  3. The People are spitting on the wrong side of the stamp.

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