by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

12 Security Tools for Windows

These tools are regularly used in Windows XP – but Vista and Windows 7 are not much better - Trend Micro’s CTO says Windows 7 is less secure than  Vista, and Sophos  said Win 7 disappoints just like earlier Windows in security. 

So here is the list of 12 security tools that I regularly use and recommend.  All are either Open Source/Free Software or Freeware (for ‘personal’ and ‘non-commercial’ use).

Standard caution applies :  If you fry your PC by following these, it is your own responsibility.  Don’t blame me or the tools - And read the ‘Note’ at the end.

Malware can affect a PC at these stages: 
  • at start-up,
  • while working,
  • accessing devices &
  • accessing internet
Thus the tools have been organized as such.

at start-up - Weekly scans
1.  Malwarebytes StartupLite :  As the name states, a tool to remove unnecessary start-up items when the PC boots
2.  Windows Sysinternals Autoruns :  The big brother of StartupLite, shows the programs that are configured to run during system boot or login and in the order Windows processes them. (Use with caution.  If you don’t know or understand, do not try/use this tool)
3.  TrendMicro HijackThis : The best tool to find settings changed by spyware, malware, or other unwanted programs.  (Use with caution.  If you don’t know or understand, do not try/use this tool)
when working - Real-Time protection
4.  Firewall + Anti-Virus software - The most important protection to a PC is the Anti-Virus and Firewall software.  Always keep ON the real-time protection and auto-update.  Never ever switch them off for any reason. Use one of the following combos :
  • Comodo Internet Security Premium or
  • Outpost Security Suite Free or
  • AVAST Anti-Virus Home edition with PrivateFirewall Free or
  • AVIRA AntiVir personal free with PrivateFirewall Free
PC Tools Firewall plus was earlier recommended in the combo, not anymore reflecting latest test results.  See ‘Note:’ below.
when working - Weekly scans
5.  EmsiSoft Anti-Malware Free : The best Anti-Malware removal tool
6.  Malware Bytes Anti-Malware Free : The quickest and very effective Anti-Malware tool
7.  SuperAntiSpyware :  The Anti-Spyware which even cleans what others miss
(All the 3 tools above provide real-time protection in their ‘paid’ versions)
8.  Javacool SpywareBlaster : The best Spyware ‘blocker’
9.  Safer-Networking Spybot S&D :  The most trusted Spyware and Malware removal tool
accessing devices
10.  No Autorun :  At just 45 KB download size and consuming just 2 MB RAM, No Autorun is the 1st choice to disable USB (CD/DVD) & Windows Autorun feature.  Alternately use the 830 KB  Panda USB Vaccine, the 1st Windows Autorun disable tool.
accessing internet
11.  Abelhadigital Hostsman : A Windows HOSTS file manager intended to block specific domains (advertising / malware servers) by redirecting them to localhost.
12.  QFX Software Keyscrambler personal : The free and best Anti-Keylogger.  The free version protects only the browser - but Google Chrome, Safari or Opera are not protected.   :-(The ‘paid’ versions protect all browsers & various application).
  • Many of above recommendations are based on independent tests by IT Security organisations.  If future test results change, the recommendations would change - even if this post is not updated, please refer to them before making your choice.
  • Firewall/Internet Security suite - based on tests by
  • Anti-Virus - based on tests by and
  • Anti-Malware - based on tests by  
  • Anti-Virus & Firewall should be updated daily or even hourly - keep ON the inbuilt auto-update features.  (both signature/database update and product update)
  • All others should be updated at least weekly and PC should be scanned at least once a week.  (both signature/database update and product update)
One Last word - Anti-Virus software and Personal Firewalls have been identified as top tip for Home users by both US-Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and National Cyber Security Alliance, USA.

original post Dec 2009;   rewritten & updated 27 Jan 2011

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