by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

2012 End of IT ?

Take your pick:  There is the Mayan Calendar story, the Planet X story, the Geomagnetic Shift / Polar Shift story, the Galactic Alignment story and the Giant Meteor story.  And not to forget, that old fool Nostradamus.

According to proponents of above theories (either one or in combination), the world will either undergo an age of enlightenment or enter a period of apocalyptic events on or around 21 Dec 2012 at 2311 hrs UTC (which would make it 22 Dec in India}

But enough of horsing around, NASA has a webpage about 2012 theories - disproving them.

BTW Can you imagine Roland Emmerich making money on a movie named  "2012: An enlightenment"?

I'll tell you what can bring on a 'near' end of world as we are used to -
If Windows 8 slated for 2012 simply dumps the windows code and jumps into the Linux bandwagon.

Just think about it.  No more virus or worms.
In one single stroke the PC security Industry will disappear.

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