by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

To speak free or not to speak–that is the question

These days, Freedom of Speech is really, really under pressure.  But there is also the question, how much or how far should 'free speech' be allowed?  Are there to be no restrictions at all, even if it angers or is insulting to somebody? 

But If censorship is OK, then the other three interrogatives come into play - where, when & how?  Too much censorship, just because saying something will offend someone will take us to the middle ages.

Nicolas Copernicus & Da Vinci were hounded for their 'belief/proof' of Helio-Centric & questioning the Geo-Centric solar system.

On the other hand, I do believe that people in positions of power should have lesser free speech - that is higher the authority lesser the freedom to 'talk what they like'.

And controversial questions should not be aired in public, but with 'peers' in conference.

For example, would NASA chief discuss the pros & cons of ISS's orbit with me or you?  Would we understand it first ?  - I definitely won't - barely managed to get through my +2 mathematics ;-)

That's my letting of steam; but to protect free speech, here is my two bits.
One of the funniest cartoons i came across recently was this:


Pat Oliphant, as usual, hits the nail on the head.

in my colloquial dictionary the latest entry is benedict = dickhead

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